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Last night I had another reminder of why I started this business (not that I needed it!) Each day I am immersed in this world so I hear and see lots of terrible stories and examples of what kids are seeing and doing on their phones and social media and the affects. When I first started a couple of years ago, I just wanted to take my daughters phone and switch it all off. I know this is not the solution though. Regardless of what we feel about social media, phones, screens, gaming – ...
Wherever the Children Are Online, is Also Where the Predators Are - FACT. A grim reality unfortunately. I remember being taught about Stranger Danger and being told never to take sweets from someone I didn't know. Then as I got older and ventured out in my late teens, my parents would talk to me about not getting in cars with people I didn't know or if the driver had had a drink. Don't take short cuts walking home, always stay on main, well-lit roads. Thankfully I took on board their advice and ...
Something I’m sure we have all done at some point to varying degrees. Dubbed “sharents” – the parents who blog, tweet and post photos and videos of their children, often simultaneously, often with the tendency to get a bit carried away. We all seen plenty of them. I was guilty of this when my two children were younger. For me it was photos on Facebook. I stopped doing this about 6 years ago now, my eldest is 12. I had a ‘wake up’ moment when I realised ...
Depending where you are in the world, the long summer holidays are either rapidly approaching or have already started. It will come as no surprise that this is a time when many parents worry about how much time their child will be spending online over the holidays and what they can do to manage it, without feeling like they are policing, shouting, negotiating, justifying and repeating themselves on a constant loop! It’s been the first full year back in school for many since March ...
Here are 20 of the most commonly used #hashtags that ALL parents need to be aware of!
We spend A LOT of time as parents putting restrictions and boundaries in place for our children, usually with good reason and intent. We can easily find ourselves dictating what they can and can't post, what apps/games they can use and how long they are allowed to be online. However, when was the last time you checked in on your own online behaviour and screentime - honestly? TheBodyCoach Joe Wicks recently did a post about how he realised he was addicted to his phone and having had 5 days free ...
You may or may not be familiar with some of the slang terms your child may be using in text - we cover this here if you want to check it out. Emojis - we all use and love them - a quick response to messages or an easier way to say that's hilarious, sad, I love you, send a hug, suggest a drink, show your shocked and so on. But Emojis can be misleading and more sinister than we think and, as with the text slang, ever changing feeling like 'another' thing you are in the dark about. Not ...
Deciding when the time is right for your child to get their first phone is a cause of stress and anxiety for many parents. So if this is making your head hurt, take comfort that you are definitely not alone! Each family has their own decision to make around what works for them. You may want your child to have a phone because they are starting to have a bit more freedom, walking to and from school, or going to after school clubs, friends houses without you taking them. Maybe you are fed up of ...