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Blog 20 #Hashtags all parents need to know!

20 #Hashtags all parents need to know!


Do you feel that your child/teen is speaking a different language with their friends or on their social channels? Hashtags are something many of us are familiar with and can be great for searching for specific content or photos BUT many hashtags that are used by kids can have a much darker meaning to them than we realise.

Here are 20 of the most commonly used #hashtags that ALL parents need to be aware of!

  • #ana - anorexia
  • #mia - bulimia
  • #deb - depression
  • #sue - suicide
  • #svv - self-harming behaviour
  • #thinsp - thinspiration (photos or messages that inspire an effort to become thin)
  • #secretsociety123 - a community of people who engage in NSSH or Non Suicidal Self Harm
  • #tina - crystal meth
  • #MySecretFamily - Mental Health issue
  • #meanspo - mean to obese people
  • #cu46 - see you for sex
  • TDTM - Talk dirty to me, related to sexting
  • #SN - send nudes
  • #belfie - image showing your buttocks
  • #NSFW - not safe for work, related to nude images or videos
  • #pron - related to pornographic images or videos
  • #wavy #wired #merked - high or drunk
  • #molly - ecstasy
  • #420, #crow - weed, pot, marijuana
  • #lmirl - lets meet in real life

Of course, this list will be ever changing and have different variations depending on regional language and slang. The important action here is to be aware what language is being used and if you don't know what it means, make it a priority to find out either from a conversation with your child or doing your own research.  Remember there could be a chance your child does also not know what this means, it may be being sent to them.  Always approach in a non- confrontational way and not judgemental. If you are angry or anxious yourself take the time to regulate your own feelings before discussing with you child. As in every situation your aim is to create a space where your child feels you are on their side, will listen and support them to deal with any situation. 

Next time - Emojis you NEED to watch out for appearing in your child's messages 

Got any others that we need to know about - please share to make more parents aware!


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